About Michelle Paulson

Michelle Paulson
- General Counsel, EVP of HR
Michelle Paulson is a seasoned in-house attorney specializing in internet law, intellectual property, privacy, international law, product counseling, and free expression. Prior to joining [redacted], Michelle spent nine years at the Wikimedia Foundation (Wikipedia), where she served as counsel, legal director, and general counsel. Her team was named the Best Legal Department in the United States by Corporate Counsel. During her time at the Foundation, she supervised over 60 attorneys and fellows, led interdepartmental tiger teams, set organizational strategy and policy, supported the Board of Directors, served on the executive team, and managed global litigation. Prior to Wikimedia, Michelle worked in patent prosecution, housing law, insurance, and education. She has a J.D. from University of California at Hastings and a B.A. from University of California at Berkeley.